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Here's a little bit about me: I'm a French woman, mother, and wife, who loves poetry, art, travel and reading.

I'm often asked where the name "Nubia_group" comes from...

I used to share emails with friends, including e-cards, messages, poems, quotes, powerpoint presentations, etc.
To make these exchanges easier, I created a "Yahoo Group" in 2005. I had to choose a name for it...

"Nubia" is my nickname, chosen because I've often traveled in Egypt, particularly in the southern region called "Nubia" near Aswan, where I have friends. Since it was a Yahoo "Group," I called it "Nubia_group."

I started creating my own e-cards in 2006, and soon my Yahoo Group grew to 37,000 members from all around the world (unfortunately, Yahoo permanently discontinued the "Yahoo Groups" service in 2020).

I then opened this blog in 2009, as well as my fan page on Facebook, to publish my cards and make my archives available.

I took a break from 2014 to 2022 because I was a bit bored - and too busy with my family life to continue creating e-cards on a daily basis. At the request of my followers, I resumed creating at the end of 2022, and now I am trying out new design techniques.

I also like to create powerpoint presentations on different themes: travel, art, photography, etc... You can discover and download them on my other blog dedicated to my powerpoint creations. But I'm creating far fewer than in the past, due to lack of time.

Creating e-cards is a passion, creating powerpoint presentations as well. I don't make any financial profit from it. My only aim is to give hope in this world of bullies, and give everyone a chance to escape

I sincerely hope you enjoy my work. Please don't hesitate to leave me comments.



4 Replies - Add your comment

  1. Like the poems you have. I putting in cards I give to my friends.

    1. Thank you, i am glad to know you enjoy the cards i publish :)

  2. I love your work and how good it makes makes me feel! So glad you decided to continue!

    1. Thank you so much for your nice comments :) i am glad that you enjoy my cards :)


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