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News of the Blog

2025, march 14


I take some vacations...
The next publication will be on march 24.

Cheers, Nubia


2024, august 20


I'm taking a break for the vacations ...
The next publication will be on September 9.

Cheers, Nubia


2024, june 26

I've changed the look of my blog.
New banner and new layout and design.
I hope you enjoy the outcome!

Cheers, Nubia


2024, january 20

NEW! i am trying to use AI to create nice backgrounds.
I hope you enjoy the outcome!

Cheers, Nubia


2023, january 02

After many requests of followers, i decided to be active on the blog again...
let's see if i get enough time as before !
i hope you will enjoy !

Cheers, Nubia


2022, december 30

After a very long time (8 years !!!) , i created some new cards for NEW YEAR,
i hope you will enjoy them !

Cheers, Nubia


2022, november 24

I added a new design for the blog template, i hope you will enjoy it

Cheers, Nubia


2021, December 15

I got some free time to create new cards for Christmas and New Year greetings.
i hope you will enjoy them !

Cheers, Nubia


2020, December 15

Yahoo decided to stop the service of all the yahoo groups, and closed them all.
Yahoo Groups completed the final stage of shutting down on December 15, 2020
i used to have 37.000 members in my yahoo group, this is sad...

Cheers, Nubia


2014, december 31

I created this blog in 2009.
I gave it all my passion to inspire and motivate, and many daily efforts to create for
you nice cards. Now it's time for me to turn a page, i decided to stop this blog.

I am thankful to you all, it was a great adventure ! But it's time for me to go !
I do not have time anymore to create cards...

I will NOT delete the blog, so you can have access to all my archives.

God bless you all !
Time to say "au revoir" my friends

Cheers, Nubia


2010, may 10

Hello dear friends
Today i got this message on my guestbook i want to share with you :)

"Hi, my name is Leonardo DeVinci Thomas, author of "Through DeVinci Eyes; Poetry of Evolution."
I have enjoyed my visit of your group site, well done Nubia, you continue to inspire through your works that God has bless you with. I would like to leave my quote of hope for your group,
"When darkness consumes your space, start seeing with your heart." :)"
God bless. :)

Cheers, Nubia


2010, january 15

Hello dear friends
i am proud to tell you today that "Nubia_group" Yahoo Group
Reach 30.000 members!

WOW i never imagined when i created the group in 2005 it will grow so much!
This success is also your's ! Let's celebrate friends !

Cheers, Nubia


2009, March

I am proud to announce the creation of this blog to publish my daily cards
and provide access to my archives.
I hope you will enjoy!

Cheers, Nubia